Giải Pháp IELTS Cho Người Mất Gốc

Academic Vocabulary IELTS band 8 – Topic Work & Jobs (part 2)

Trong bài viết trước IELTS Lingo đã chia sẻ đến cho các bạn từ vựng IELTS band 8 – chủ đề Work & Jobs ( part 1) rồi đúng không nào. Vậy trong bài viết này Lingo sẽ giới thiệu đến cho các bạn các từ vựng còn lại. Hãy cùng tham khảo ngay nhé!
Từ vựng band 8 – Topic Work & Jobs
  • to be stuck behind a desk: holding a job which is all desk work. (Mắc kẹt trong công việc bàn giấy buồn chán)


Writing test:

Sales jobs often involve quite a bit of running around America, which is perfect for those who don’t want to be stuck behind a desk under the boss’s watchful eye.

Speaking test:

Candidates: I don’t want an office job and spend all day stuck behind a desk.

  • one of the perks of the job: an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job. (Những giá trị khác từ công việc)


Examiner: What do you like most about your job?
Candidates: In fact, my school is trying to attract good teachers with lucrative income and many good office perks. For me, as an educator, being an inspiration to young talents is just one of the perks of the job that I appreciate most.

  • have a heavy workload: When you have a ton of stuff on your to-do list and have to accomplish it within a specific amount of time. (Khi bạn có rất nhiều thứ trong danh sách việc cần làm và phải hoàn thành nó trong một khoảng thời gian cụ thể)
  • overwhelming workload have a heavy workload (khối lượng công việc quá tải )
  • Hectic schedule: full of activity, or very busy and fast (Lịch trình bận rộn)
  • Up to my ears in something: Completely overwhelmed with work or other responsibilities (Hoàn toàn choáng ngợp với công việc hoặc các trách nhiệm khác)
  • Meet the deadline: to finish something by or before it is due (để hoàn thành một cái gì đó trước hoặc trước khi nó đến hạn.)


Speaking test:

Examiner: Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What’s your opinion? (Part 3)
Candidates: To be honest, it can be said that working as a full time employee is really stressful.  Two years ago, I had a hectic schedule and was up to my ears in heavy workloads to meet deadlines when I was working for an international corporation. Therefore, although it is challenging to run my own business, I do feel far more comfortable with it.

  • tempting offer (n): tempting is attractive and makes people want to have it. Tempting offer is something attractive that someone says they will give you or do for you such as high salary or perks.


Speaking test:

Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
Candidates: Well, after graduating in economics, I got a very tempting offer from an investment bank and accepted it. I have worked for the bank till now.

  • A minimum wage: is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs. (mức thu nhập tối thiểu cần thiết để người lao động có thể đáp ứng các nhu cầu cơ bản của họ)


Writing test:

Governments set up a minimum wage level which makes sure that citizens share a standard living level.

  • Lucrative job/career: is job or career that can lead to a lot of profit or wealth. (công việc hoặc nghề nghiệp có thể dẫn đến nhiều lợi nhuận hoặc của cải)


Writing test:

Apart from generating lucrative jobs for students, universities also benefit the nation by creating educated societies, containing an immense pool of critical thinking individuals, who can contribute towards social development by their expertise.

  • a dead-end job: a job in which there is no chance of progressing to a better, more important job (một công việc không có cơ hội tiến triển thành một công việc tốt hơn)


Speaking test:

Examiner: Describe your job?
CandidatesWell, working as a teacher brings me an immense amount of job satisfaction which makes me happy all day. I can get out of being stuck in a rut and the dead-end job as an office worker which I used to be before.

  • rewarding job: giving you a good feeling that you have done something valuable, important, etc. : giving you money or profit. (công việc tốt cho bạn cảm giácrằng bạn đã làm được điều gì đó có giá trị, quan trọng,… )


Speaking test:

Examiner: What do you like about your job?
Candidates:  Well, working as a teacher is not only a respectable job but also a rewarding job which helps me support myself and my family. Moreover, being an inspiration to young talents is one of the perks of the job that I appreciate most.

  • Workaholic

(adj) working most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things (làm việc hầu hết thời gian và cảm thấy khó khăn khi ngừng làm việc để làm những việc khác)

(n) A person who is addicted to work is called a workaholic ( Một người nghiện công việc)


+ A Workaholic economy

+ A workaholic like his father, John worked in the fields from sun up to sun down

  • A high-powered job: A job that is important and powerful in a company or organization. (Một công việc quan trọng và có sức mạnh trong một công ty hoặc tổ chức)


Having a high-powered job is a dream of numerous of people in the world

  • working long hours = the frequency of long working hours


Writing test:

Research is clear that working long hours does not always yield the highest output or efficiency.

  • hierarchical: A hierarchical system or organization is one in which people have different ranks or positions, depending on how important they are. (Hệ thống hoặc tổ chức có thứ bậc là hệ thống mà mọi người có các cấp bậc hoặc vị trí khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào mức độ quan trọng của họ)


University is the highest layer of the hierarchical school system.

  • pecking-order: The pecking order of a group is the way that the positions people have are arranged according to their status or power within the group.


In many countries there is a pecking order to the universities, with a few high-status institutions at the top, turning out an intellectual elite and attracting the best minds in teaching and research.

  • Repetitive (adj): Something that is repetitive involves actions or elements that are repeated many times and is therefore boring.
  • Monotonous (adj): Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which never changes
  • Mechanical (adj): to describe something related to machinery or tools.
  • Glamorous (adj): charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way.
  • unglamorous (adj): NOT charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way
  • enviable (>< Unenviable) (adj): Enviable things are so desirable that everybody wants them.  Eg: A high-paying job is enviable.
  • soul-destroying: Activities or situations that are soul-destroying make you depressed, because they are boring or because there is no hope of improvement.


One of the most soul-destroying things is traffic congestion.

Và trên đây là tổng hợp những từ vựng IELTS band 8 mà Lingo muốn gởi tặng đến cho các bạn đang luyện thi IELTS. Lingo hy vọng rằng với những kiến thức trên đây sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong quá trình học tập và ôn luyện. Chúc các bạn thành công.

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