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Collocation chủ đề Education trong IELTS Speaking

Education là một trong những chủ đề cơ bản thường gặp trong bài thi IELTS. Đến với bài viết ngày hôm nay, IELTS Lingo sẽ tổng hợp lại cho các bạn những Collocation chủ đề Education. Việc sử dụng collocation trong bài thi của mình không những tăng tính tự nhiên mà nó còn là một trong những chìa khóa giúp cho bạn ” ghi điểm” với giám khảo. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu ngay bài viết này nhé!

Collocation chủ đề Education

  1. To work your way through university: to have a paid job while studying to support yourself financial: Vừa làm vừa học

Example: Peter has had to work his way through university, thus he barely has free time.

  1. Tuition fees: the money paid for a course of study: Học phí

Example: In order to pay for the tuition fees, I have been doing many part-time jobs.

  1. To keep up with your studies:to not fall behind: Bắt kịp chương trình học, không bị rớt môn

Example: If you want to keep up with my studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study.

  1. To fall behind with your studies:to progress less quickly than other: Thua sút bạn bè trong việc học

Example: Sara spent almost her time on going out rather than studying, which caused her to fall behind with her studies, thus she failed the exam

  1. Distance learning:a way of studying, in which you will learn, and communicate with teachers and classmates through the internet. : Học từ xa, học trực tuyến

Example: One benefit of taking distance learning course is the timetable will be flexible, which means you can study whenever and wherever you want.

  1. To learn something by heart:to memorize it: Học thuộc lòng

Example: The course requires me to learn a lot of things by heart, which is quite hard for me.

  1. State school:a school paid for by public funds and available to general public: Trường công lập

Example: Because my budget is limited, then get a scholar ship and go to state school is a great idea.

  1. Private school:a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the children’s parents: Trường dân lập

Example: A private school usually offers good educational facilities compared to a public school.

  1. Higher education:education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school: Giáo dục đại học, giáo dục bậc cao

Example: Lisa moved to American with the purpose of continuing her higher education.

  1. To sit an exam:to take an exam: Làm kiểm tra

Example: The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful, because I need to stay up all night and have less time to relax.

  1. To attend classes: to go to classes: Đi đến lớp

Example: In order to pass the final exam, it is suggested that you should attend to all of the classes.

  1. Face to face classes: join in courses in classroom with colleagues and teachers.: Lớp học tương tác trực tiếp

Example: When you take part in a face to face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately.

  1. To take a year out:to take a gap year: Đang học mà xin nghỉ 1 năm làm gì đó sau đó quay lại học

Example: Before going to the university, I decided to take a year out to travel to some countries.

  1. A graduation ceremony:an event that successful student receive his or her academic degree: Lễ tốt nghiệp

Example: a graduation ceremony is one of the most important day in a student life.

  1. Gain/obtain knowledge: Tích luỹ kiến thức

Example: Taking academic course will help students to gain a great deal of knowledge.

  1. Require a huge investment in term of time and money: Đòi hỏi sự đầu tư về cả thời gian và tiền bạc

Example: Generally, continuing higher education will require a huge investment in term of time and money.

  1. Lose the current job: Mất công việc hiện tại

Example: When you decide to continue higher education, you have to face the risk of loosing your current job.

  1. Open the door to better employment opportunities: Mở ra cánh cửa cho những cơ hội nghề nghiệp tốt hơn

Example: It is suggested that doing master degree will open the door to better employment opportunities.

  1. Contribute to society: Đóng góp cho xã hội

Example: An increasing number of higher educated workers could have a good contribution to society in terms of economy

Và trên đây là tổng hợp những Collocation chủ đề Education thường được dùng trong IELTS đặc biệt là Speaking.  Ngoài ra, các bạn có thể tham khảo từ vựng và bài viết mẫu chủ đề Education TẠI ĐÂY nhé!

Lingo chúc các bạn thành công và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi IELTS của mình nhé!

(Nguồn: IELTS Tố Linh)

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