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Tổng hợp kiến thức cực hay về chủ đề FOOD and DIET IELTS WRITING band 6+

Tiếp tục với series chia sẽ kiến thức học IELTS, ngày hôm nay, IELTS Lingo Connector sẽ mang đến cho bạn một chủ đề vô cùng thú vị. Đó là chủ đề Food and Diet đây là một topic rất phổ biến và dễ bắt gặp trong phần thi IELTS. Nhưng các bạn biết đây, tuy đây là một chủ đề khá là đơn giản và quen thuộc những đa số các thí sinh không năm rõ cách sử dụng, thì rất khó để đạt được số điểm cao. Chính vì vậy, trong bài viết này IELTS Lingo sẽ tổng hợp những kiến thức vô cùng bổ ích, thêm vào đó là một số câu hỏi và mẫu câu trả lời mà bạn có thể áp dụng.

1.Từ vựng chủ đề FOOD & DIET

  • Cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ [Noun] (a style or method of cooking in a certain place).

Ex: This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.

Ex: The city is known for its excellent and diverse cuisine

  • Veggie /ˈvedʒ.i/ [Noun] (vegetable).

Ex: He likes cheese, veggie, and I like fish.

Ex: We grow our own veggies at home.

  • Vegan /ˈviː.ɡən/ [Noun] (a person who does not consume animal products (such as meat, eggs, or dairy products)).

Ex: He decided to turn vegan after watching a video about how poultry is raised.

  • Delectable /dɪˈlek.tə.bəl/ [Adjective] (delicious).

Ex: He could not stop eating the delectable dish.

Ex: Warm cookies make a delectable snack.

  • Healthy eating habits [Noun] (eating healthy food at regular times of the day).

Ex: We have good food and stay healthy eating habits.

Ex: Many people realize that healthy eating habits can help support a healthy weight.

  • A vegetarian diet [Noun] (a diet focuses on plants for food without any meat, poultry, or seafood).

Ex: Since a vegetarian diet is believed to be better for heath, many people, nowadays, tend to choose to become vegetarians.

Ex: A vegetarian diet has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and some types of cancer.

  • Plant foods [Noun] (a number of types of food derived from plants, including vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc).

Ex: Seaweed is one of the rare plant foods that contains DHA with many health benefits.

Ex: Protein is found in a wide variety of both animal and plant foods.

Ex: Organic plant foods are manufactured without using conventional fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Inadequate /ɪˈnæd.ə.kwət/ [Adjective] (not enough in quantity or not good enough in quality).

Ex: This type of food was inadequate for the harsh weather conditions.

  • Fattening /ˈfæt̬.ən.ɪŋ/ [Adjective] (likely to make you fat easily).

Ex: Unfortunately, potato chips are fattening.

  • Food hygiene [Noun] (the clean and safety of food from production to consumption).

Ex: Consumers shall have the right to be informed of food hygiene and safety, to select and use proper food;

Ex: If you want to teach your children about food hygiene, start with the basics – talk to them about bacteria and germs.

  • Nutritious /nuːˈtrɪʃ.əs/ [Adjective] (providing the substances that you need in order to be healthy).

Ex: Wholemeal bread is more nutritious than white bread.

Ex: Doing lots of exercises won’t keep you healthy if you don’t eat nutritious food as well.

Ex: Nutritious foods help us to maintain good health.

  • Home-cooked food [Noun] ((of food) prepared or cooked at home).

Ex: I love home-cooked food. My favourite dish is Clarissa’s fried rice.

Ex: I love to try new recipes, and I love home-cooked food that tastes really good.

  • Processed food [Noun] (food that has been treated or prepared in an unhealthy way to achieve its current state).

Ex: Pure food is safer and more filling than processed food.

Ex: We eat more processed food than natural food.

  • To eat a balanced diet [Expression] (to eat correctly with proper quantities).

Ex: It is important to eat a balanced diet and control portion size.

Ex: I try to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet with lots of leafy greens.

  • Overeating /ˌoʊ.vɚˈiː.t̬ɪŋ/ [Noun] (the act of consuming more food than your body needs).

Ex: Habitual overeating had distended the boy’s stomach.

Ex: Obese people find it difficult to stop overeating.

  • Ingredients [Noun] (substances that you use in making a particular meal).

Ex: The ingredients for this recipe are a little expensive.

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Một số dạng đề và mẫu câu trả lời trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Essay 1

Quesiton: Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out in restaurants or canteens.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is widely argued that home food preparation and consumption are beneficial for an individual and a family rather than eating outside. Personally, I completely agree with this point of view from every perspective.

On an individual level, home-cooked meal is of indispensable necessity to ensure a healthy diet. As a matter of fact, many restaurants tend to generate greater profit by deliberately producing food with low quality of nutrition and hygiene, which causes food poisoning and long-term health issues, such as digestive diseases or a variety of cancers for instance, whereas cooking meal at home allows individuals to select fresh ingredients and prepare in the cleanest way as possible. Furthermore, having meals in a restaurant often costs a great deal of money which could be saved up by eating at home, and such money could be wisely spent on other important things such as the possession of a house or education purpose. More importantly, many young adults who live far away from home fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a sufficient budget due to a habit of having meals outside.

From another angle, dinning at home advantages family bonding and youngsters’ development. In fact, a developed world leads to the deterioration on family interactions due to a hectic lifestyle, especially in metropolitan cities. In other words, modern citizens barely have time for their family members on daily conversations and emotional supports. Therefore, dinning time serves as an effective way to fill out this gap and enrich family lives. Additionally, home – cooked meal allows parents to teach their offspring an essential life skill of cooking and a sense of responsibility towards to their family as when they get involved in related chores such as preparing and cleaning before and after meals.

In conclusion, it seems to me that an individual and a family greatly benefit from consuming home-cooked meals and it should be encouraged rather than eating outside.

Essay 2

Question: Scientist agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that junk food has many detrimental effects on human health. While some people consider that education is an ineffective measure to solve the problem. I would like to contend that this practice would serve as a definitely workable solution to tackle such an issue.

On the one hand, there is a variety of reasons why educational programs might not be effective in the battle against junk foods.  Firstly, the industrial lifestyle, in which people are all in a hurry due to work pressure, is the roof of this issue. They are always in short of time to prepare their meals. As a result, in spite of potential health risks, they choose fast food for their lunch or dinner to save time. Furthermore, hamburger or fried chicken are a delicious and addictive dish. Therefore, they have become a type of popular food especially to children and adolescents, who did not perceive the health consequences of their eating habit.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that educational programs could play a key part in preventing people from consuming an excessive amount of junk food. Firstly, through these programs, people might be able to aware of various harmful impacts of this kind of food. For instance, once people have gained adequate knowledge and awareness of life-threating cancer and other diseases caused by overeating fast food, they will curb the consumption of junk food that might pose serious threats to their health. Secondly, education about nutrition diets at school can help to form healthy eating habits for children at their childhood. This can promote acknowledgment of the benefits of healthy diets and warn them against the potential risks of fast food.

In conclusion, although there are many arguments against the education method, I firmly believe that educational measure plays a vital role to mitigate junk food consumption and deter the problem from being exacerbated (worse) further.

Essay 3

Question: In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?

Nowadays/recently/in recent years, customers in many countries tend to purchase and consume imported food products instead of domestic food. This trend can be ascribed to numerous reasons and it might be addressed by some practical ways performed by the government and local authorities to motivate people to buy local food.

On the one hand, there is a variety of reasons why educational programs might not be effective in the battle against junk foods.  Firstly, the industrial lifestyle, in which people are all in a hurry due to work pressure, is the roof of this issue. They are always in short of time to prepare their meals. As a result, in spite of potential health risks, they choose fast food for their lunch or dinner to save time. Furthermore, hamburger or fried chicken are a delicious and addictive dish. Therefore, they have become a type of popular food especially to children and adolescents, who did not perceive the health consequences of their eating habit.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that educational programs could play a key part in preventing people from consuming an excessive amount of junk food. Firstly, through these programs, people might be able to aware of various harmful impacts of this kind of food. For instance, once people have gained adequate knowledge and awareness of life-threating cancer and other diseases caused by overeating fast food, they will curb the consumption of junk food that might pose serious threats to their health. Secondly, education about nutrition diets at school can help to form healthy eating habits for children at their childhood. This can promote acknowledgment of the benefits of healthy diets and warn them against the potential risks of fast food.

In conclusion, although there are many arguments against the education method, I firmly believe that educational measure plays a vital role to mitigate junk food consumption and deter the problem from being exacerbated (worse) further.

Essay 4

Question: In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?

Nowadays/recently/in recent years, customers in many countries tend to purchase and consume imported food products instead of domestic food. This trend can be ascribed to numerous reasons and it might be addressed by some practical ways performed by the government and local authorities to motivate people to buy local food.

On the one hand, it is understandable why people prefer imported nourishment rather than food produced in their country. First and foremost, customers think foreign food by far has better quality than local food so they are willing to spend a large amount of money on buying imported food. For instance, in Viet Nam, consumers show significant interest in imported food as they hold the belief that nourishment with the foreign tag is better even if it costs them a great deal. Another significant reason is that in many domestic companies, they usually add some chemical preservatives as well as additives which may be detrimental to people’s health. This could result in the fact that they want to prolong time preserving food and local authorities do not impose any strict laws on harmful ingredients added to food in factories.

However, measures must be taken by the government and local authorities to encourage consumers to buy domestic food. The first solution would be the government should prioritize expenditure on organizing programs or campaigns in order to raise citizens’ awareness about the necessity of purchasing local food. Furthermore, the government and local authorities must punish severely companies using preservatives which affect negatively on people health and well-being. In addition, companies need to pay more attention to not only products quality but also prices to enhance competitive advantages compared to charges of foreign firms.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for why imported food is more favored than local food and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.

Trên đây là tổng hợp những kiến thức cực hay về chủ đề Food & Diet. Hy vọng rằng, với những bài trả lời mẫu mà Lingo đã giợ ích sẽ giúp cho bạn có thêm thật nhiều kiến thức thật bổ ích mà bạn có thể áp dụng. Chúc các bạn học tập tốt và đạt những band điểm mà mình mong muốn trong kỳ thi IELTS của mình nhé!
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