Giải Pháp IELTS Cho Người Mất Gốc

Đề thi IELTS WRITING Task 2 ngày 24/10/2020

Question: People are living longer after they retire. What are the problems? What can be done to solve the problems?

It is generally the case that global human longevity has increased dramatically, one of the greatest humankind crowning achievements. There are some problems related to this issue, but many possible measures can be used to mitigate the side-effects.

To begin with, many plausible impacts of the growing elderly population can be anticipated. The most significant concern is associated with medical problems which place a heavy burden on many nations’ health systems. In other words, as life expectancy increases, it entails many age-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, articulation disorders, or Dementia. As a result, the demand for geriatricians and medical supplies soars, posing challenges to many countries’ health care systems. Another drawback is the generation gaps which are likely to undermine the society in that the aged mingle with youngsters but have perceptual mismatches. To be more specific, misunderstandings, and differences in values and attitudes are unavoidable in families with more than one generation.

It immoral to expect people to live shorter; thus, the wisest approach is to minimize the unintended consequences of the dramatically jumping human longevity. Some feasible measures could be used to tackle the mentioned related problems. The most effective solution could be that authorities and stakeholders need to be more conscious and better-prepared for the situations by long-term strategies. For example, national statistics should have concise anticipations for the age population growth rate and propose encouraging policies for geriatric training, medicines, and facilities. Another practical approach should be raising awareness amongst the youngsters and the older people about how to create the best harmony of co-living and co-teaching among them. By doing this, people of different ages can live in a more supportive and pleasant environment.

In conclusion, there are some major concerns, both materially and emotionally, when life expectancy is on the rise globally. However, there is a wide range of options available to handle the problems described above.


Body 1:

– medical problems – place a heavy burden on many nations’ health systems – entails many age-related chronic diseases – demand for geriatricians and medical supplies

– generation gaps – perceptual mismatches – , misunderstandings, and differences in values and attitudes

Body 2:

– more conscious and better-prepared for the situations by long-term strategies – have concise anticipations for the age population growth rate and propose encouraging policies for geriatric training, medicines, and facilities

– raising awareness amongst the youngsters and the older people about how to create the best harmony – a more supportive and pleasant environment.


longevity/ life expectancy

– crowning achievements: thành tựu vẻ vang

– place a heavy burden on: đặt gánh nặng lên

– entails: to make something necessary, or to involve something (kéo theo)

– age-related chronic diseases: bệnh kinh niên liên quan đến tuổi tác

– geriatrician: an expert in the branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people

– soar: increase sharply

– undermine: to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually

– perceptual mismatches: khác biệt về nhận thức

– unavoidable/inevitable

– minimize/mitigate

– unintended consequences/ side-effects: tác dụng phụ

– stakeholders: những bên liên quan

– how to create the best harmony: làm sao để hài hòa tốt nhất

– a more supportive and pleasant environment: môi trường vui vẻ và hỗ trợ nhau

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