Giải Pháp IELTS Cho Người Mất Gốc

Topic: PATIENCE | Câu trả lời mẫu và từ vựng cho IELTS Speaking Part 3

Dưới đây là bài trả lời mẫu cho Topic PATIENCE – IELTS Speaking Part 3. Cùng IELTS Lingo tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm tối ưu nhất trong phần Speaking nhé!

1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
2. Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?
3. Do you think people are less patient now than they were in the past?
4. What are the positive and negative effects of being patient on society?

Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer) cho chủ đề Patience

1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?

I think the most universal experience is waiting for a bus or any other public transportation. You see, the mass transit system where I live is utterly unreliable. It hardly ever sticks to the schedule and the rush hours only makes it worse. I remember spending hours under the scorching sun, looking forward to my ride home after class. I believe even the commuters from first world countries find this painfully relatable with the exception of Japan and Singapore.

  • mass transit system (n) hệ thống phương tiện công cộng
  • utterly (adv) hoàn toàn

2. Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?

Speaking purely from my experience, both parties are equally lousy in this department. People might expect kids to show some unacceptable behaviour because they don’t know better. For example, when a young child is on a long car ride, more often than not, they would lose patience quite easily and start asking “are we there yet” over and over again. However, I also see many grown-ups hitting the roof when they have to wait in line, say, for a cup of coffee or to receive a service in general. I suppose it is because, even though we all know that patience is a virtue, not every one of us was taught how to calm our nerves during such situations.

  • lousy (adj)
  • grown-up (n) người lớn
  • hit the roof (idiom) nổi giận
  • virtue (n) đạo đức
  • calm one’s nerves (phrase) bình tĩnh lại

3. Do you think people are less patient now than they were in the past?

It is hard to say. As far as I am concerned, it is indeed difficult for us to take our time in this day and age. Considering how fast our internet connection is, and how quickly it takes to travel, it is only natural for people to get hastier and hastier. I would say that the older generation used to live their lives at a much slower pace and for that reason, they wouldn’t find it such a hassle to wait, you know, since it was the norm.

  • in this day and age (phrase) hiện nay
  • norm: quy luật, quy chuẩn
  • hasty (adj) vội vàng, hấp tấp
  • hassle (n) rắc rối

4. What are the positive and negative effects of being patient on society?

Obviously, being too quick to jump to conclusions may lead to misconception and prejudgment, which in turn can disrupt our connectivity as a community. So being able to show your composure during intense circumstances surely would yield positive results. That being said, I personally think that if a person is patient to the point of tolerance, it might be deleterious as well. Let’s take global warming as an example. If the public submissively waits around for the authorities to take action, we will end up like a boiling frog. In this case, it is a better option to be urgent.

  • yield (v) tạo ra
  • deleterious: có hại
  • boiling frog (phrase) hội chứng ếch luộc. Nếu thay đổi nhiệt độ đột ngột, con ếch sẽ phản ứng bằng cách nhảy ra khỏi nồi nước sôi. Tuy nhiên, nếu tăng nhiệt độ từ từ, nó ở yên trong đó và bị nấu mà không hề biết. Cụm từ này ám chỉ sự chậm trễ, ngại thay đổi của con người cuối cùng sẽ tự làm hại chính bản thân mình mà không hề hay biết.

Đọc câu trả lời mẫu là một cách tốt để xây dựng vốn từ vựng cũng như cách diễn đạt trong IELTS Speaking. Bạn cũng có thể truy cập Kho bài mẫu Speaking của IELTS Lingo để tham khảo nhiều sample answer cho các chủ đề IELTS khác ngoài Patience nhé.

(Nguồn: The IELTS Workshop)

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